COLLEGE COUNCIL – October 15, 2010

CC-127 in Bill Brod Community Center ● 12-1:30pm




Approval of Minutes

Presenter: Moller

·         The minutes were approved with one change. Elizabeth Howley needs to be added to the “College Council Members” list.

Academic Calendar

Presenter: Lundy

·         2nd Reading.

·         There will be testing of the new timesheet and “green slip” process through the month of December with the College Services division. Other divisions will be rolled out one at a time starting in January. Each division will be run parallel with the current system to confirm that the programming is all working. When everything is running the way it’s supposed to, the paper copies will go away.

ISP: Course Outlines & Syllabus

Presenter: Briare

·         There are a couple of changes happening to this ISP. The course outlines will now be housed in the Curriculum Office rather than each division office. The course outlines only need to be revised every three years. There is no longer a need to have “Required Text” on the outline anymore. Update of the mapping chart, which is a part of every outline. The new map aligns to what the State is requiring for mapping.

·         Dave Arter had a suggestion to add that a course outline will updated when a course is revised or at least every three years.

·         If you have any questions, contact Bill Briare.

Career Pathways

Presenter: Giltz

·         Two new career pathways have been created under the Renewable Energy AAS that was approved by the State last Spring.

Association Reports:

ASG Report

·         The transfer from getting people registered to vote to the issues/candidate information.

·         Flag football has started.

·         The annual blood drive is next week.

·         There is a new club on campus called “Eat Better, Eat Together”.

Classified Report

·         Classified partnered with ASG for our in-service lunch.

·         The Classified have ratified the contract.

·         6 need grants have been given out for Fall term.

·         10 scholarships were given out during in-service.

Full-Time Faculty Report

·         Heather Schlessman has received her doctorate.

·         Starting foundation drive next week.

Exempt Report

·         Starting foundation drive next week.



11/5, 11/19, 12/3, 1/7, 1/21, 2/4, 2/18, 3/4, 3/18, 4/1, 4/15, 5/6, 5/20, 6/3


PRESENT:  Steffen Moller (chair), Kelly Steigleder (recorder), Liz Rich, Lynda Graf, Bill Briare, Elizabeth Howley, Terry Mackey, Bob Delgatto, Sarah Hoover, Marica Edwards, Tiffanie Clifford, Chris Robuck, Cheryl Tallman, Kelsey Downs, Kaylea Henderson, Elizabeth Breton, Mindy Brown, Thomas Elliott, Shelly Shaw, Miguel Cardenas, David Williams, Scott Giltz, Adam Hall, Tamara Barry, Dave Arter, Melissa Jones, Phillip King, Mathew Altman, Eric Matchett, David Miller.

COLLEGE COUNCIL MEMBERS:  Steffen Moller (chair), Becky Ogden, Rodney Osterhoudt, Delbert Dulley, Shelly Tracy, Sarah Hoover, Melissa Jones, Dave Arter, Elizabeth Howley, Kim Carey, Mary Collins, Shelley Shaw, Keoni McHone, Jeff McAlpine, Adam Hall, Pat Wiggins, Miguel Cardenas, Leroy Cook, Dave Willilams, Tiffanie Clifford, Tamera Barry, Karen Martini.